In addition to therapy services offered by our staff therapist we work closely with other organizations or provide alternative options for our patients. Each has their advantages and disadvantages as outlined below:

Pediatric Psychology Center – Dr. Kim Burgess and Dr. Anne Shapiro – 301-251-5160. We co-located with our colleagues years ago to provide psychology services and psychoeducational testing conveniently to our patients. Doctors Burgess and Shapiro are a well-trained, experienced, and trusted team with over 30 years of experience in pediatric psychology.

The advantage of using them are:
  • They provide services in the same location as your child is accustomed to coming for all medical care, therefore, normalizing mental health.
  • They prioritize Potomac Pediatrics patients and seem to be able to accommodate appointments faster than the community.

The disadvantage of Pediatric Psychology Center is that they do not participate with insurance, though their prices tend to be less than most others in the community psychologists.

JSSA (Jewish Social Services Agency) – JSSA is an organization that has social workers trained in providing therapy for common mental health and behavioral issues.

The advantage of using them:

  • Typically covered by insurance.
  • Large menu of services including parent training, family counseling and group therapy.

The disadvantage of using them is that it generally takes 6 weeks to be linked with a therapist.